Canadian clients only: The GST/HST tax relief will be applied to eligible food/drink order items from Dec 14 – Feb 15. Fees, cutlery, delivery and tips do not qualify for the relief and are still subject to the usual GST/HST rate.

Why Foodee partnerships work

Restaurants have an ever growing number of meal delivery options to choose from. So what should leading restaurants look for in a delivery partner? And what kind of restaurant partners does a premium corporate delivery service, like Foodee, look for in a partner?

Is it better to buy local or organic?

If you could buy local produce that’s also organic, you’re laughing all the way to the checkout. You’re supporting local farmers, saving the planet, and raising healthier families. Groceries never tasted so sweet.

Wellness tips to help you shake the winter blues

You wake up feeling fresh—you’re ready to take on the day. You have a sunny disposition and nothing can stop you. And then you open the curtains. Rain, wind, dark grey skies. It’s a dreary day here in the beginning of February.

Top food trends that have been around for centuries

The beginning of 2018 came with its usual wave of upcoming trends and top 10 food trends of 2018 lists. During this time, we noticed just how many food trends that have been around for centuries, if not since the very beginning of humankind.

Fuel to get your office through the busy season

Is the thought of your busy season overwhelming? We recognize that your office is going to be pulling longer hours than usual, which is why it’s even more important to keep your team focused, energized, and well fed.

Why eating local food is good for you, your community, and your planet

We have so much to learn from local food. How do our bodies react to—and even depend on—nutrients from seasonal food grown locally? What role does food play in building a sense of pride and community in a place?