Canadian clients only: The GST/HST tax relief will be applied to eligible food/drink order items from Dec 14 – Feb 15. Fees, cutlery, delivery and tips do not qualify for the relief and are still subject to the usual GST/HST rate.

The benefits of customer advocacy (for the brand AND its advocates)

We’ve seen hundreds of blog posts over the last several years that highlight the benefits of customer advocacy for businesses and tips on how to do it well.

This isn’t that kind of post.

Today we’re looking at what’s in it for the brand advocates and/or consumers themselves. We already know that customer advocacy has endless marketing, sales and customer service benefits. But here are a few key statistics so that we’re on the same page before moving on:

  1. Advocacy drives $6 trillion of annual consumer spending.
  2. Brand advocates talk about the products they use every day.
  3. 70 percent of buying experiences are based on how the customer feels they are being treated.
  4. 74 percent of surveyors say that word-of-mouth is most important for buying decisions.
  5. 92 percent of consumers trust recommendations from people they know.
  6. Advocates are 2-3x more effective than non-advocates at persuading others to purchase.
  7. Advocates spend twice as much on their favourite brands than non-advocates.
  8. A 12 percent increase in advocacy represents a 2x increase in revenue growth.
  9. People are 4x more likely to buy when referred by a friend.

Benefits of customer advocacy for the consumer

Disclaimer: Although Foodee does have a customer advocacy and referral program, we’re talking about all brands here, not just ours.

Be a part of a community

As a consumer, you probably have a handful (or more) of your favourite brands. You love what they do, you love their brand messaging, mission, content, customer experiences and of course, products and services.

Here’s the cool part. You’re not the only one who feels this way.

Every brand (big, small, known or unknown) has loyal advocates—whether its employees, owners, friends or consumers. You’re a part of a community of like-minded people who want to see the brand succeed (because it’s everyone’s best interest) and who have brand love in common.

Who knows, maybe the brand you love has an online community space for brand advocates like you. Perhaps there are brand advocate meetups, events and conversations happening that are meaningful to you. Seek them out, reach out to the brand or start a community yourself!

Two men laugh and point at their open laptop in a corner office

Drive product, marketing, service and brand decisions

Let’s say that you don’t love everything that your favourite brand does. After all, there’s always room for improvement. What if your voice mattered in that company? What if you could help control the direction of the brand messaging, products, services and experience? That’s the beauty of customer advocacy.

Pretend you love this little restaurant just around the corner from your office. But then they change the menu, dropping your favourite items—the ones you always recommend to your friends. As a frequent and loyal customer, you’re probably their “ideal customer persona,” representing a majority of their customer base. It’s in their best interest to hear your opinions, take action and keep you happy, even if that means going back to the original menu.

Get rewards

Brands host contests all the time (mostly on social media) to encourage fans to share content, review products, join conversations, attend events or tag their friends in posts. Sometimes it’s just fun to join in and other times there are real perks, such as winning swag, gifts, free products and other awesome rewards.

Sometimes it even pays to refer friends to your favourite brands. Not only might you both receive gifts and rewards, but also your friend may reap the benefits of the products, services and brand love that you already experience.
Three women point at an open laptop

Boost your own brand

Perhaps it’s even in your best interest, or your business’ best interest, to be a brand advocate. If you have a small business of your own and join in on a contest or conversation for a like-valued brand, you could both benefit from increased awareness in different audience groups. Is a brand collaboration in order?

Speaking of brand love, if you’re a Foodee advocate, refer a friend and you’ll both receive a $100 Amazon gift card upon delivery of their first order. Being a brand advocate is a win for everyone.

I love Foodee (and rewards).

Filed Under: Foodee HQ