Canadian clients only: The GST/HST tax relief will be applied to eligible food/drink order items from Dec 14 – Feb 15. Fees, cutlery, delivery and tips do not qualify for the relief and are still subject to the usual GST/HST rate.

Foodee Rewards: Eat and Earn

When you order food for the office, your coworkers’ compliments are likely left for the chef. Despite how tough taking care of your team’s appetite can be, it’s a task that’s often overlooked by all those who are eating. We know a little thanks goes a long way, so we’ve set up something special we’re sure you’re going to like.

Introducing Foodee Rewards

Foodee Rewards is a way for clients to accumulate points which can later be redeemed for online gift cards. The way it works is simple: when you start ordering, you begin to earn points. Once you have enough points, you can redeem them for online gift cards. To get started, head on over to the Foodee homepage and click on your account in the top righthand corner. You’ll notice the new “Rewards” section on the left side: click here to find the Foodee Rewards dashboard. This is where you’ll be able to check in on how many Foodee Points you’ve earned, as well as where you’ll trade in your points for online gift cards. Foodee Rewards dashboard

Here’s a quick rundown on how it works:

Step 1: Place Orders

For orders you place online exceeding $250, you’ll earn 1 Foodee Reward point. Foodee Rewards Philadelphia screenshot

Step 2: Earn Points

After you’ve submitted your order, the amount of Foodee Points you will earn for that order will appear. It’s important to note that Foodee Rewards Points will only appear in your account once your order has been delivered. That means if you place an order for next Tuesday, those points will appear the same Tuesday your delivery arrives. Click on your account in the top righthand corner and then the “Rewards” section to keep track of how many total points you currently have.

Step 3: Get Rewards

Once you’ve accumulated enough points, you’ll be able to redeem them for free online gift cards. To redeem them, go to your dashboard and select the amount you want to redeem. Once you’ve selected the amount, you’ll be prompted to choose which gift card you would like. You will then receive an email with the gift card code and a link to the website of the gift card you choose. Foodee Rewards Points won’t last forever, but you do have one full year to use them before they expire. And FYI, 300 Foodee Rewards Points amount to one dollar for available gift cards. Trade in 3,000 Foodee Points and you’ll have yourself $10 towards an online gift card. Foodee Rewards Redeem screenshot

Foodee Rewards is our way of saying thanks for your ongoing loyalty. As a Foodee Rewards member, your orders will earn you free stuff. The more you eat the more you earn. Click here for more information on Foodee Rewards.

Filed Under: Foodee HQ